Adult Services
The Latino Resource Organization offers a variety of services.
Services for the entire family
​Supportive Services
Income Tax preparation - IRS VITA program
Immigration Referrals
Employment Support (resume building, cover letter development, interview skill building, etc.)
Transportation Assistance
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Your Benefits Now - CalFresh, MediCal, CalWorks, etc.
Case Management
Assistance with referrals to other services.​

THE EITC IS MONEY IN YOUR POCKET If you are low-to-moderate income household, you may be eligible for the Federal and Cal Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC). The Federal EITC is a refundable credit worth up to $7,830 that is available to low-to-moderate income individuals and families. The Cal EITC is worth up to an additional $3,644. The only way to claim the federal and state EITC is to file an income tax return.

Financial Education
Financial Education Workshops
Financial Literacy
Money Smart
Financial Coaching
Asset-Building programs